Süddeutsche Zeitung (D) | Afrika first!
The Sueddeutsche Zeitung published a travel special about plastic and of course, Rwanda could not be missed! Rwanda is called a role model on the African continent having banned plastic bags more than 10 years ago. But outside the capital acceptance is a different story. Find the online version of the article here (in German): https://www.sueddeutsche.de/reise/ruanda-afrika-first-1.4135873 and…
Süddeutsche Zeitung (D) | Die nächste Generation
24 years after the genocide Kigali is on the rise. More and more tourists discover the creative city and its dynamic. A city portrait about Rwanda’s vibrant capital for Sueddeutsche Zeitung (print). Find the online version here (in German): https://www.sueddeutsche.de/reise/ruanda-die-naechste-generation-1.4058105
ZEIT Online (D) | Afrika: Die mobile Revolution
Annoying traffic jams, nasty smog. That’s how most African city centers look like today. Many capital cities seek solutions. In Rwanda Volkswagen bets on car sharing. Read my article here (in German): https://www.zeit.de/mobilitaet/2018-06/afrika-grossstaedte-verkehr-luftverschmutzung/komplettansicht
ZEIT Online (D) | Land ohne Plastik
Plastic is everywhere: In the antarctic, in our food, in our body. Now the European Union wants to implement bans. Rwanda, possibly the cleanest country in Africa, banned plastic bags already ten years ago. A role model? The article triggered a lively discussion and was spread quickly over social media. Looks like the Germans are…
jetzt.de (D) | Rangerin Angèle riskiert ihr Leben für die Berggorillas
Ranger Angèle risks her life protecting Congo’s endangered mountain gorillas. She and her colleagues fight against rebells, poachers and armed civilians. I visited the Virunga rangers and wrote their story for jetzt.de, the young online magazine of Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Find the article here (in German): https://www.jetzt.de/job/nationalpark-im-kongo-wie-ranger-ihr-leben-fuer-die-berggorillas-riskieren
DW Online (ENG) | Ostafrika kämpft weiter gegen Second-Hand Kleidung
Article for Deutsche Welle Afrika about the plans of Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda to reduce second-hand clothing and invest in their local textile industries. Find the article here (in German): http://www.dw.com/de/ostafrika-kämpft-weiter-gegen-second-hand-kleidung/a-42744807 and here (in English): http://www.dw.com/en/east-africa-pushes-second-hand-clothing-ban/a-42747222
DW TV (ENG) | VW eröffnet Werk in Ruanda
Article for Deutsche Welle Afrika about Volkswagen’s future plans in Rwanda. The German car manufacturer wants to open a new plant in Kigali and also bring e-vehicles on Rwanda’s roads. Find the article here (in German): http://m.dw.com/de/volkswagen-eröffnet-im-mai-ein-werk-in-ruanda/a-42220977 and here (in English): http://www.dw.com/en/volkswagen-in-rwanda-car-sharing-and-a-future-in-e-mobility/a-42224583
Spiegel Online (D) | Polos für Afrika
Decades ago the German car manufacturer Volkswagen invested in China when nobody believed in China. In Mai 2018 Volkswagen will open its first plant in Kigali, Rwanda and beliefs in the African market. Article for SPIEGEL ONLINE about Volkswagen’s investment in Rwanda. Find the article here (in German): http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/vw-in-ruanda-volkswagen-und-der-afrikanische-traum-a-1188814.html
Spiegel Online (D) | Tour du Ruanda – Ein Rennen für alle
Article on the Tour du Rwanda for SPIEGEL ONLINE, one of Africa’s most renown cycling competitions. Up and down Rwanda’s thousand hills. A race followed by millions of people! Find the article here (in German): http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/tour-du-ruanda-ruanda-feiert-seine-radsport-helden-a-1179924.html
jetzt.de (D) | Kunst von einem der kaputtesten Orte der Welt
Article for www.jetzt.de, the young online magazine of Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany Find it here (in German): http://www.jetzt.de/politik/junge-filmemacher-erobern-sich-den-kongo-zurueck